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光 绪 元 宝





在历史的推移下,虽然许多古钱币早已经失去了其原有的流通功能,但是却多了考古价值、艺术价值、欣赏价值、收藏价值等各种新功能。 清朝是我国最后一个封建王朝,其后期的衰落可谓造成了中国历史上最为混乱的时期,清政府的无能显而易见,然穷则思变,洋务运动无疑是清朝统治者做出积极进取的重要举措,而基于洋务运动的影响,铸币业也发生了改变。 清代钱币如星河般灿烂,而要论古钱币的价值,当属清朝光绪年间流通的货币——光绪元宝为最。光绪元宝是大清光绪年流通大面值货币之首,是我国首批引进海外技术的印发流通货币,对于现今也蕴藏了一定历史意义。

In the course of history, although many ancient coins have lost their original circulation function, they have many new functions, such as archaeological value, artistic value, appreciation value and collection value. The Qing Dynasty is the last feudal dynasty in China. The decline of the late Qing Dynasty can be described as the most chaotic period in Chinese history. The incompetence of the Qing government is obvious. However, poverty leads to change. The Westernization Movement is undoubtedly an important measure for the rulers of the Qing Dynasty to make positive progress. Based on the influence of the Westernization Movement, the coinage industry has also changed. The Qing Dynasty coins are as brilliant as a star river. In terms of the value of ancient coins, Guangxu Yuanbao, the currency circulating in the Guangxu period of the Qing Dynasty, is the most important. Guangxu Yuanbao is the first large denomination currency in circulation in Guangxu year of Qing Dynasty. It is one of the first batch of printing and distributing currency that introduces overseas technology. It also contains certain historical significance for today.

光绪元宝,正面有珠圈环绕,圈内“光绪元宝”由上而下而右而左直读,珠圈外铸有“光绪元宝”及满文字样,上缘纪地文字为“户部”,背面中央铸“飞龙”图,上缘英文纪地“HUPOO”,下缘英文纪值“20CASH”;中央“巨龙腾空”,自上至左向右环绕一周,龙头置上,两根龙须下垂,鼻梁突起,两眼炯炯有神,龙纹精细,火球在下。此币铜质细腻,呈色亦佳,品相精致,钱文清晰, 其图案圆润凸起,错落有致,有立体雕塑之感。光绪元宝承载着一个时代的社会背景和文化特色,深受历史熏陶,有着极高的收藏价值。在这小小的钱币之上,完美呈现出实用与工艺相结合的艺术风范,令人惊叹。该币几乎每一笔笔画中,以及纹饰中均添加了迄今难以模仿的圆点暗记,令人叹为观止。背面蟠龙龙眼内有两颗清晰的内视龙睛,直指龙珠,简直就是最 优 秀的盘龙浮雕作品。因此,此枚户部造的光绪元宝具有较高的文化艺术价值。

Guangxu Yuanbao is surrounded by beads on the front, and the "Guangxu Yuanbao" is directly read from top to bottom, right to left. Outside the bead circle, there are "Guangxu Yuanbao" and Manchu characters. The upper margin of the circle is inscribed with "Hubu", and the center of the back is cast with "flying dragon" in English. The upper edge is "HUPO", and the lower edge is "20cash"; in the center, it is surrounded by a circle from top to left and right Put on, two dragon beards droop, nose protruding, two eyes bright, dragon fine lines, fireball below. The coin is delicate in quality, good in color, exquisite in appearance, clear in writing, and round in design, with a sense of three-dimensional sculpture. Guangxu Yuanbao, bearing the social background and cultural characteristics of an era, is deeply influenced by history and has high collection value. On this small coin, the perfect combination of practical and craft artistic style, amazing. Almost every stroke and ornament of the coin has been added with dots which are hard to imitate so far. There are two clear inner looking dragon eyes in the dragon eye on the back, pointing directly at the dragon ball. It is simply the best dragon relief work. Therefore, the Guangxu Yuanbao made by Hubu has high cultural and artistic value.


According to the market attention around the world in the past years, Hong Kong has a high degree of attention to Guangxu Yuanbao. In addition, this Guangxu Yuanbao is of high collection value due to its excellent quality. Mechanical ancient coin is a brand-new currency produced in the late Qing Dynasty. It is not only a means of commodity exchange, but also a special cultural carrier. Among them, Guangxu Yuanbao is the most well-known by the public. It is a special commodity and a fine art, and also a reflection of the political, economic, cultural and artistic conditions of the late Qing and the Republic of China. Therefore, its value has been found and collected by more and more people. Guangxu Yuanbao collection can improve people's cultural knowledge, understand the process of historical evolution, and appreciate the value of art from it.

